Vacation Rentals and Real State Services for Retirees to Vietnam

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Easily host your place and earn with Vietnam Travel Deals

Hosting a place has never been easier. You’re just a few steps away from earning money and reaching many travelers.

Become a host

Vietnam Travel Deals has allowed me to create my own job by hosting my place and earning rental income - Charlotte

How does hosting your place works?

List Your Place

List Your Place

Share the unique charm of your property by creating a detailed listing. Showcase your space with photos and descriptions to attract potential renters.

Host Travellers

Host Travellers

Welcome guests into your home by setting clear house rules and guidelines. Make their stay memorable with excellent communication and local insights.

Earn Rental Income

Earn Rental Income

Maximize your earnings as a host. Accept bookings, maintain your property, and provide exceptional hospitality. Transform your space into a lucrative source of rental income.

Vietnam Travel Deals provides the right experience for you

Manage Bookings

Manage Bookings

Streamline your rental experience with our easy-to-use booking management system. Take control of your reservations effortlessly.

List your rental for free, forever.

List your rental for free, forever.

Our platform allows you to list your rental property for free, with no recurring fees. This ensures you can maximize your earnings as a host, keeping more of the revenue from your bookings.

Multiple Properties

Multiple Properties

List and manage multiple properties hassle-free. Expand your rental portfolio with ease on our platform.

Amazing Support Team

Amazing Support Team

Our dedicated support team is here for you. Count on us for quick and reliable assistance, 24/7.

Efficient Approvals

Efficient Approvals

Experience swift and efficient approval processes. Get your rental applications processed promptly, saving you time.

Highly Customizable

Highly Customizable

Tailor your listings to your liking. Our platform offers extensive customization options for your rental properties.

Check what our amazing hosts have to say!

Discover the experiences of our valued hosts. Read what they have to say about their journey with us in their own words.

  • Being a host with Vietnam Travel Deals has been an incredible experience. Their platform makes it so easy to list and manage my properties. The support team is top-notch, always there to assist. Thanks to Vietnam Travel Deals, I've been able to maximize my rental income and provide guests with a fantastic stay.

    Tram Nguyen

  • I've been hosting with Vietnam Travel Deals for 2 years now, and it's been nothing short of fantastic. Their low fees and efficient approval process are a game-changer. Plus, their highly customizable platform lets me showcase my properties just the way I want. It's a win-win for hosts and guests alike!

    Hoang Pham


Vietnam Travel Deals brings
an amazing experience
for you!


Hosted Places


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Earned by Hosts


Amazing Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions!

Do you have a question? Explore our comprehensive FAQs for quick solutions. If you don’t find what you need, our support team is just a message away!

How do I get started as a host?

To embark on your journey as a host, begin by signing up on our platform. Once registered, you can create a listing for your property. Be sure to provide comprehensive details, including photos, descriptions, and any unique features that make your property stand out.

What kind of properties can I list?

You have the flexibility to list a wide range of properties, from cozy apartments and spacious houses to unique and exotic spaces like treehouses, houseboats, or cabins in the woods. It’s all about sharing what makes your space special with travelers.

Are there any requirements to become a host?

While the specific requirements may vary by location, generally, you’ll need a property that you’re legally authorized to host. This might include owning the property or obtaining permission from the property owner. Additionally, a commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment for guests is essential.

How do I set the rental price for my property?

Determining the right rental price is crucial. Factors like your property’s location, type, size, amenities, and local demand influence pricing decisions. You can also use our platform’s pricing tools and research similar listings for guidance.

Do I need to be present during my guests' stay?

Not necessarily. As a host, you have the flexibility to choose your level of involvement. Some hosts prefer to meet guests personally and offer guidance, while others provide guests with complete privacy using self-check-in methods.

How do I ensure the safety of my property and guests?

Safety is paramount. Implement thorough guest vetting, establish clear house rules, and maintain open communication with guests. Additionally, consider security measures like locks, smoke detectors, and providing emergency contact information to ensure a safe and secure stay.

What support and resources are available for hosts?

Our platform is designed to support hosts at every step. You’ll find resources, tools, and guides to help you manage your listings efficiently. Plus, you can connect with our host community to share experiences, gain insights, and access valuable advice on becoming a successful host.

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